ALOE CLEANSING PROGRAM AND WEIGHT MANAGEMENT How and Why We Gain Weight: It’s not just by taking in too many calories and not enough exercise although that is a big part of it. Exposure to toxins in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe means our body has to work exhaustively to eliminate toxins. Over time this puts a lot of strain on our organs and can lead to a breakdown in our immune systems. Why is cleansing so important? Over time the digestive system becomes sluggish working to deal with complex foods, especially processed foods, red meat, wheat and dairy products - so many food particles remain in the stomach. The result is clogging up of the digestive system with a glue-like substance. Undigested particles can also burrow into the walls of the intestine and begin releasing gases (the cause of bloating). This makes it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients from food. Combined with stress and the over use of anti-biotics, or...